#jupyter Articles

A legend for ipyleaflet

Introducing ipyleaflet-legend ipyleaflet-legend is a leaflet legend to be used in jupyter-notebook. ipyleaflet-legend is based on the information found in the Custom Legend Control section of this leaflet tutorial. We won't go too far into details here, just have in mind that it is both a LeafletControl and an ipywidget … [...]

Matplotlib animations from ECMWF data

Loading data¶ In our previous post, we saw how to retrieve data from the ECMWF. Today we're going to work on a NetCDF dataset from ERA Interim providing the 2 metre temperature in kelvins. We retrieved this file using this Python code: from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer server = ECMWFDataServer() server.retrieve({ "class" [...]

Multicore GRIB processing with xarray

In today's post, we're going to use xarray multicore capabilities to access a fairly large weather dataset using Python. To illustrate our purpose, we'll look at 15 years of solar radiations provided by the ECMWF. It takes a while to retrieve such a large dataset from the ECMWF, so I'll just give a direct link to a file with 15 years of data [...]

A notebook container for meteorology

At WeatherForce, we do a lot of data analysis with Jupyter notebooks. Since setting up an environment for meteorological data can take a bit of time, we've decided to create a Docker image containing a suitable ready-to-use environment. The Jupyter project encourages this approach by providing a hierarchy of ready-made Docker images [...]